Get to Know resistance bands exercise- Might be Right for You!

Resistance bands are unquestionably the most cost-effective training equipment you can get. For beginners and advanced fitness levels, resistance bands exercise can be an excellent way to strengthen and tone your muscles.

The use of resistance bands allows you to perform workouts that target any portion of your body without placing additional strain on your joints, whereas traditional strength training focuses on larger muscular groups, resistance band workouts can be particularly effective at targeting the tiny muscles that serve as stabilizers.

The Different Kinds of Resistance Bands

Different types of resistance bands are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, as well as varying degrees of resistance. Here is a quick rundown of the major categories…

Resistance bands are Available in a Variety of Shapes and Sizes

In addition to being shorter and thinner known as micro bands, looped bands can also be longer and thicker referred to as thera-bands. The grips on non-looped bands can be on the left or right.

Color and Amount of Resistance

A band with the same color doesn’t necessarily have the same resistance; this varies from maker to manufacturer. When purchasing your resistance band, make sure to inquire about the availability of additional resistance bands/levels.

To exercise your lower body, go with a heavier weight; to train your upper body, go with a lighter weight, and if you are not sure; green is frequently a good choice because it gives moderate resistance.

Resistance levels range from mild to heavy: thinner, narrower bands are typically available in ranges ranging from 1-10 kg (2-40 pounds) of resistance, while longer, thicker bands are typically available in ranges ranging from 5-90 kilograms (10-200 pounds) of resistance.

In Order to Achieve your Objectives, Resistance Band Exercises Are the Perfect Choice for You!

It is possible to use these activities in one of two ways:

1st As an example, you could perform 3-5 exercises for 8-25 reps each and repeat the sequence for 2-5 rounds as a full fitness workout for the entire body or for a particular body area. To get the most out of your band, you will want to adjust the number of rounds and repetitions to match your fitness level.

2nd To engage in a specific muscle area as part of a warm-up exercise, there are two alternatives, if you have difficulty feeling your glutes working, try this, prior to your next leg workout, perform two sets of Fire Hydrants and Side Squats and perform as many repetitions as necessary to feel your buttocks functioning.

The Top Eleven Resistance Band Workouts

a. The wall lateral pulldown exercises that target latissimusdorsi muscle and the upper back muscles

b. Triceps Exercises that target the said muscle 

c. Biceps Curl exercise that focuses on the bicep’s muscles 

d. External Rotation of Shoulder for the upper back and shoulder itself. 

e. Fire hydrant exercise for gluteal and hamstring muscles

f. Donkey Kicks for gluteal and hamstring muscles

g. Modified side planks with kick for oblique and thigh muscles

h. High Plank leg lift for strengthening abdominal, gluteal muscles, and hamstrings

I. Squats with high raise-targeted muscles are gluteal and thigh muscle group

j. The RB Jump Squat for gluteal and thigh muscles

k. Hip abduction Exercise specifically for gluteal muscle

Conclusion  It is advisable to consult your physical trainers on which is the appropriate exercise method to use, the number of sets and repetitions as well, achieve your goals with easy steps with resistance band exercises.


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